how to grow subreddit

January 20, 2024

How to Grow a Subreddit

Grow your subreddit by engaging in related communities, creating concise, relevant content, and using strategic SEO practices. Focus on user-friendly formats and maintain a technically sound website for the best chance at achieving 'position zero' in search results.

Engage Actively

To build a subreddit, it’s essential to engage with users actively. Participation in various Reddit activities and related communities is key. When creating posts, especially if you’re new, ensure they are meaningful and contribute to discussions, as new accounts are often scrutinized more closely.

Utilize Related Subreddits

Identify subreddits with similar interests and engage there. Provide a link or a brief description of your subreddit to invite others. However, be cautious of spamming, as this can lead to account termination.

Content is King

Focus on creating content that resonates with your audience. The most successful posts on Reddit are often less than 120 characters, suggesting that brevity can be more impactful. Inquiry-based posts tend to attract more commenters, making them an excellent strategy for fostering community engagement.

Reddit Advertising

Consider using Reddit’s advertising platform to promote your subreddit. This can be particularly effective if your content aligns well with certain communities or demographics on the platform.

Embrace Video Content

With a 38% increase in video views on Reddit, incorporating video content into your subreddit can be a smart move. Videos, particularly in health and fitness content, have seen significant growth and engagement.

Monitor Social Media Trends

Staying abreast of social media trends is crucial. Platforms are increasingly becoming primary sources for information, and social media SEO is becoming more important. This means optimizing your subreddit’s content for searchability and relevance.

Best Subreddits to Join and Learn From

Join and observe some of the most successful subreddits like DIY, Change My View, House Plants, Personal Finance, and others to learn best practices and content strategies.

Marketing on Reddit

Understand the Platform

Reddit, with its unique structure of subreddits and emphasis on community and authenticity, requires a different approach compared to other social media platforms. Understanding the nuances of each subreddit is key to successful marketing.

Content Strategy

High-quality, relevant content is essential. It should resonate with the target audience and follow the specific subreddit’s rules and culture. Engaging with the audience by responding to comments and participating in discussions can increase trust and loyalty.


Choosing the right subreddits and using Reddit’s targeting options effectively can enhance the reach and impact of your marketing efforts.

Social Media Trends in 2024

Longer Videos

There’s a trend towards longer video content on social platforms, including Reddit. Videos ranging from two to five minutes are becoming more popular, offering more in-depth information.

Engagement Shifts

Engagement is moving from public feeds to more private spaces like DMs. This shift indicates a need for brands to adapt their communication strategies and possibly utilize social media as a customer service channel.

Importance of Shares

Shares are becoming more critical than likes or comments. This trend highlights the importance of creating share-worthy content to amplify reach and engagement.


Growing a subreddit in 2024 requires a blend of community engagement, strategic content creation, and staying in tune with the evolving social media landscape. By following these best practices and adapting to the latest trends, you can effectively grow and nurture a thriving subreddit community.

Effective Utilization of Reddit’s Features

Flair Usage

Leverage the use of flairs in your subreddit to organize content and make it easier for users to navigate. Flairs can highlight specific types of posts, such as announcements, discussions, or user-generated content, enhancing the user experience.

Regularly Update Rules

Keep your subreddit’s rules updated and clear. This ensures a healthy community environment and minimizes conflicts and misunderstandings.

AMA Sessions

Host Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions with notable personalities or subject matter experts relevant to your subreddit's theme. AMAs can significantly boost engagement and attract new subscribers.

User Feedback

Encourage user feedback to understand what your community likes or wants to see improved. This not only fosters a sense of community but also provides valuable insights for better subreddit management.

Leverage Analytics

Utilize Reddit’s analytics to understand your audience better and tailor your content and community activities accordingly. Analytics can provide insights into what type of content performs best and the most active times for your audience.

Promote Outside Reddit

While focusing on internal growth strategies, don’t forget to promote your subreddit on other social media platforms and relevant online forums. This can help in attracting a diverse audience to your subreddit.

Challenges in Subreddit Growth

Balancing Promotional Content

It’s essential to balance promotional content within your subreddit. Too much self-promotion can turn off users, while too little can hinder growth. Find the right balance to keep your community engaged and growing.

Handling Negative Feedback

Be prepared to handle negative feedback or criticism constructively. Address concerns and criticisms positively and use them as opportunities for improvement.

Managing Spam

Actively manage spam to maintain the quality of your subreddit. Implementing automated moderation tools and having active human moderators can help manage spam effectively.

Future of Subreddits in Social Media Landscape

As we head further into 2024, the role of subreddits in the social media landscape continues to evolve. The increasing shift towards community-centric platforms makes subreddits an even more critical aspect of the digital ecosystem. Staying adaptable to these changes and continuously evolving your strategies will be key to maintaining a successful and growing subreddit.

Final Thoughts

Building and growing a subreddit is a journey that involves consistent effort, adaptability, and a deep understanding of your community. By employing these strategies and staying in tune with the latest trends and best practices, you can cultivate a thriving subreddit that resonates with its audience and stands out in the ever-evolving world of social media.

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